You might know him in the world of magic as “Lefty” or as the “Red Gamester.” You might know him in the broader world of show business as an entrepreneurial nightclub executive or as a show consultant for the likes of Wayne Newton, Steve Wyrick, or Meatloaf. What you should also know is that in reality he’s the unflappable, enigmatic, and versatile Douglas Leferovich, who wears many different hats.
Here are two excerpts from the article on Douglas LEFTY Leferovich from MAGIC Magazine:
As word of his magic and producer talents spread around the Vegas entertainment community, Doug began to do consulting work. He remembers consulting with Seth on Wayne Newton’s show Once Before I Go at the Tropicana in Las Vegas. “After taking notes on transitions from one scene to the next, lighting, sets, video, and staging, with numerous other people from Wayne’s team giving notes, Wayne commented that it was hard to know what suggestions were good or not, since he was onstage and found it difficult to grasp the scope of the production. So Wayne suggested that I stand in for him and run the show so he could watch from the audience and take his own notes. I did not sing, but I stood onstage in front of his orchestra and ran the show, introducing video clips and songs, and walking through the transitions in real time. It was an incredible feeling, being onstage in front of a full orchestra when they played his songs. Wow! For me, that was a real career highlight!”
“In the end, I don’t care if I get credit for an idea,” Doug says. “I just want whatever show I am working on to be the best it can possibly be. There is something gratifying for me when a performer gets applause or laughs from something I have suggested they do or say. I feel like part of the applause or laughs is for me, and that makes me smile inside.” Doug feels that as he gets older his focus will be more on the creative process of working on other shows, because that is where he sees more possibilities. With a college degree in marketing and advertising, and having worked in Vegas for twelve years, he brings to the table a creative expertise and knowledge about how sell tickets. Who knows? In ten years maybe he’ll be an entertainment director. “Whatever I do,” says Doug, “I will never lose my love for magic!”
Douglas has worked on many shows up and down the Las Vegas strip. He has worn many different hats, from being a creative director, lighting designer, set designer, and production / technical director having worked with Wayne Newton, Frank Marino, Human Nature, and Recycled Percussion to name a few.