As Production Manager, Douglas was on numerous Zoom calls dealing with the staging, lighting, transportation of the props and costumes from the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino to the drive-in location. It was important to try and recreate the size, shape, and scope of SEXXY at the Westgate at the drive-in, since the show was dark for four months, this would limit the amount of changes to choreography and blocking from their regular resident show. Coordinated the load-out of props from the Westgate, to realizing on location that three of the major props in the show would need to live on stage, due to the fact that backstage area was six inches lower that the stage height. Two props were hidden behind risers on stage and the third prop was displayed center set and acted as set piece until it was featured in the show.
Not only the Production Manager, but Douglas created all the marketing and advertising for the SEXXY Drive-In show. This included assets for the sponsorship deck, and all the social media ads for Facebook and Instagram (including graphics to promote the fact that the show was also being live streamed). He also created new graphics and video elements for the $80,000 5K projector used to project scenery and show elements on the building facade. Because Douglas was familiar with SEXXY, working on various elements of the show for the past five years, he also acted as Stage Manager during the three live performances, coordinating the moving of props on stage and off stage, backstage helping with quick costume changes, and sure the performers were ready and that the show started on time.
Jennifer Romas, Creator/ Producer / Star of SEXXY at Dreamland Drive-In